

Blog Feature Iamge
Blog Feature Iamge
Blog Feature Iamge
Blog Feature Iamge
Blog Feature Iamge
Blog Feature Iamge


Brocade is a patterned, woven fabric. Unlike embroidered fabrics, the patterns in brocade are woven into the fabric. Brocade has a long history, and it has been used in various cultures. Traditionally reserved for ornamental garments, brocade is now more commonplace.


Silk has been the default fabric for brocade garments during most of this fabric’s history, but it’s now possible to find brocade garments made with wool, cotton, or even synthetic fibers. Even when made with inexpensive fibers and used for casual garments, brocade emits a distinctive aura of beauty and sophistication.


Brocade weaves vary widely in complexity, and the simplest brocade patterns simply consist of a single added color. Complex brocade patterns, on the other hand, can consist of a veritable kaleidoscope of multicolored threads.